Everything You Wanted to Know About Franchise Agreements but Were Afraid to Ask: Discussing The Contract Provisions We Don't Usually Talk About
Date & Time
Monday, April 7, 2025, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Melissa Cattini, CFE Derek Ronde Daniel So

Franchise agreements are the legal backbone of the franchise relationship. However, there many provisions and boilerplate in these agreements that franchise parties may not understand or fully appreciate. This presentation will explore these provisions and:

  • Explain the concepts involved.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of these provisions for both franchise parties.
  • Address how Canadian courts have treated them.

Business people on the franchisor side and franchisees need to understand the depth and scope of their franchise agreements and the rights available to them and the obligations they are under. This panel dives into the finer points of franchise agreements, breaking down clauses like withholding taxes, renewal obligations, ROFRs, indemnities, relocation, extranets, and more. Explore these provisions, discuss their implications for both franchisors and franchisees, and examine how Canadian courts have interpreted them. Attendees will gain practical insights to ensure you fully understand the rules governing your contractual relationships and how to leverage them effectively.

Session Type
Concurrent Session
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