More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Exploring The Role of a Seller’s Financial Advisor, CEO, and CFO
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Dixie Ho Paul Hamam

Successfully completing a deal requires contributions from various specialists who bring their expertise to the table. Hear from experienced professionals about the critical features of their roles in managing a deal to successful completion. This session will provide valuable insights by and for CEOs, CFOs, General Counsel and financial advisors on how they contribute to the process and ensure a smooth transaction.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the roles and contributions of a seller's financial advisor, CEO, and CFO in managing a deal.

2. Learn about the key features and responsibilities of each role in the transaction process.

3. Gain insights on how these specialists work together to ensure successful deal completion.

Session Type