Litigation: Managing Disputes
Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ellery Lew Frank Zaid Jennifer Dolman Christina Papa

Here’s a chance for the franchise litigators to shine! Franchise litigators will showcase their expertise as they explore effective strategies for resolving disputes and implementing cost-effective solutions. Topics include the advantages of arbitration over litigation, available resources for franchisors in litigious positions, and techniques for negotiating buyouts with struggling franchisees. Join this session to enhance your dispute management skills and learn valuable tactics for successful franchise litigation.

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the benefits and drawbacks of arbitration as a preferred method for resolving franchise disputes.
  2. Identify the available resources and support systems for franchisors when faced with litigious situations.
  3. Learn effective negotiation techniques for successfully executing buyouts with troubled or struggling franchisees.
Location Name
Kingsbrook Room
Full Address
The Old Mill
21 Old Mill Road
Toronto ON M8X 1G5
Session Type
Concurrent Session