The Emergence of AI
Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Christine Jackson Eric Mayzel Kirk Allen Dan Monaghan

What is artificial intelligence, and does it have a role in franchising?  This session features an AI expert and legal professionals engaging in a dialogue to explore the opportunities and risks associated with AI in franchising. Gain an overview of AI's sudden rise, its current and potential applications in the franchise industry, and the legal considerations for integrating AI technologies. Discover the risks related to data privacy, security, confidentiality, and trade secrets, and learn effective mitigation strategies. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the future implications and trends of AI in franchising.

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify the reasons behind the rapid emergence of AI in 2023.
  2. Examine the current and potential uses of AI in the franchise industry, including legal tech vendors and the franchise journey.
  3. Understand the legal considerations and risk mitigation strategies when incorporating AI technologies in franchising.
Location Name
Full Address
The Old Mill
21 Old Mill Road
Toronto ON M8X 1G5
Session Type