What Should New Standards Look Like?
Date & Time
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Andrew Arminen - Metal Supermarkets Franchising America Inc.
CHUCK FARRELL - Pizza Pizza Limited
Fiona Styant - MOLLY MAID Canada
CHUCK FARRELL - Pizza Pizza Limited
Fiona Styant - MOLLY MAID Canada
The concept of a “new normal” has affected the business landscape in more ways than one. Throughout the pandemic, strict adherence to brand standards took a backseat, but it’s time to get back on track and put our best foot forward into growing our franchise systems.
As some provinces face unexpected lockdowns during high case counts, businesses are going through closing and reopening processes which can cause uncertainty and hindered communications in how to reimplement your brand standards.
Educating your franchisees about brand standards starts with a solid understanding of your values and goals for your franchise system—including how to get back on track so your franchise can grow and thrive.
Learning Highlights
- How the pandemic changed franchise standards;
- What changes from the pandemic should be kept and why; and
- How you can get franchisee buy-in when brand standards are constantly changing.
Session Type
Concurrent Session