Key Strategies for Selecting the Right Franchisee
Date & Time
Monday, April 11, 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

A prospective franchisee may appear to be ideal for an organization after an initial meeting. However, franchisors may neglect to uncover what a candidate has not revealed. We will explore ways to protect your brand by enhancing due diligence and thinking outside of the box. This session will provide information on how to confirm applicants' financial stability and background and evaluate overall credibility and character. The discussion will educate participants on how to confirm assets, liabilities, and credit history. The group will also gain insight on false or undisclosed details. Participants will learn what pertinent information can be revealed when it comes to a prospective franchisee’s business, criminal, civil, legal and credit backgrounds. 

Location Name
Provinces/Confederation 1 & 2
Session Type