Time for Spring Cleaning: Updating your Franchise Agreement for Lessons Learned and New Opportunities
Date & Time
Monday, April 3, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Amy Delisle Dominic Mochrie

The world is a very different place than it was even a few years ago… 

New economic opportunities exist while some old ways of doing business have changed forever. Most franchise systems have seen significant shifts in consumer buying behaviour, experienced supply-chain issues, navigated changes in consumer demand for products and services, and invented or improved ways of connecting with customers and staying relevant. Further, franchise case law and laws impacting franchise systems continue to evolve, and franchisors must stay abreast of developments or risk civil liability, and possibly criminal exposure. 

This session will provide attendees with the tools that they need to consider revising and updating their franchise agreements to reflect lessons learned during the pandemic, and capitalizing on new opportunities. The workshop will also cover a list of fairly common provisions that should be removed from the agreement, and provisions that should be added to stay current.

Session Type
Concurrent Session