Setting Yourself Up for Success
Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Andrae Marrocco Debi Sutin Avram Musafija Fiona Styant

Join us for an invaluable session on "Setting Yourself Up for Success," designed specifically for emerging franchisors. Gain essential knowledge about the franchise legal process in Canada and understand the fundamental responsibilities of franchisors. Get an overview of the process, learn how to handle existing non-compliant FDDs, and discover best practices for annual maintenance and updates. Explore a wide range of resources available to emerging franchisors, including consultants, brokers, accountants, vendors, lawyers, marketing agencies, and the Canadian Franchise Association (CFA). Don't miss this opportunity to set yourself up for success in the franchising industry.

Learning objectives:

  1. Examine the key steps and components of the franchise legal process in Canada.
  2. Discover how to handle existing non-compliant Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDDs) as an emerging franchisor.
  3. Identify best practices for the annual maintenance and updates of FDDs and Franchise Agreements (FAs).
Location Name
Balmoral Room
Full Address
The Old Mill
21 Old Mill Road
Toronto ON M8X 1G5
Session Type
Concurrent Session