Franchise Future: The AI Advantage for Enhanced Experience & Efficiency
Date & Time
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Raphael Rajan Arno Krug Junior Lucas Versteegh Thomas Wong, CFE

Join us for an insightful panel discussion where industry experts will explore the integration and revolutionary impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in franchise marketing and operations. Through real-life examples and insightful discussions, our panelists will examine how AI can enhance customer experience and drive operational efficiency in the franchise industry, fostering collaboration between teams. Real-life examples demonstrate personalized customer interactions, optimized inventory management, and AI-driven customer service. We'll also dive into AI engagement strategies, discussing how companies utilize AI to stay ahead and current consumer trends for client engagement at the point of sale and beyond. 


Learning Objectives: 

  1. Identify key AI applications in franchise marketing and operations. 

  1. Discuss benefits and challenges of AI integration in franchises. 

  1. Analyze real-life examples to understand AI's impact on franchising. 

Session Type
Concurrent Session