Driving Business to Your Franchise through Next Level Local Store Marketing
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Steve Buors - Reshift Media Inc.
Steve Falk - Prime Data
Patti Hone - As You Like It Marketing and Communications
Steve Falk - Prime Data
Patti Hone - As You Like It Marketing and Communications

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced long-lasting changes in consumer behaviour. These changes are expected to persist well beyond the reopening of the economy, as safety concerns linger and work-from-home continues for many corporations. To drive customers to your franchise, you need adapt your local store marketing activities to connect with the right customers through ways that will reach them today. Join this session to understand how consumer behaviours have changed and learn practical, how-to strategies and easy to action tips to reach the right customers to drive revenue and rapid recovery.