Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor a Franchise Canada Show and reach an expansive audience of professional, engaged potential franchisees. View our available sponsorships below, and contact Dion Persaud at dpersaud@cfa.ca or Stephanie Philbin at sphilbin@cfa.ca for more information on individual options, or bundling opportunities.

• Table top signs in lounge.

• Social media recognition on each day of the event.

• Logo on sponsor banner, website, and e-marketing.


• Table top signs on community rest tables

• The ability to place flyers on the community rest tables

• Social media recognition on each day of the event

• Logo on sponsor banner, website, and e-marketing

Saturday - 1 Available

Sunday - 1 Available

$500 (Each)

• Logo on registration signage.

• Logo on all registration communications online.

• Social media recognition leading up to the show, and on each show day.

• Logo on sponsor banner, website, and e-marketing materials.

$1500 - Exhibitor Registration

$2000 - Prospective Franchisee Registration

• 1 Exclusive E-blast (1 week after the show): Promote your franchise opportunity to all registered attendees with an exclusive e-blast sent from the CFA!

  • Fully branded, no word limitations*
  • Link directly to your website of choice/e-mail address

• Logo on sponsor banner, website, and e-marketing.

*content must adhere to CFA communications guidelines


• Exclusive Sponsored Social Media Post sent after the show to our network of 20,000+   

• Logo on sponsor banner, website and e-marketing materials.


• Company logo on large hanging aisle sign during show.

• Social media recognition on each day of the show.

• Logo on sponsor banner, website, and e-marketing materials.


• Logo on the banner in the digital newsletter to exhibitors sent out 2 weeks, 1 week prior to the show.

• Logo in the exhibitor show guide on the day of the show.


• The opportunity to place a flyer in the show bag (Handed out to 1000 attendees)


• A full page advertisement on the second page of our show guide

• Includes listing enhancement

Only 1 available


• A full page advertisement in our show guide

• Includes listing enhancement


• Use a full colour logo in our show guide
