Back-to-business for B2B: Using Digital Tools to Help Your Franchise Survive and Thrive
Date & Time
Thursday, October 14, 2021, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM
Paul daSilva Joseph Pisani Rob Wilkinson Michael Ledgerwood

Nothing has been normal about the way businesses have had to run during the pandemic. But in many ways, companies became more aware than ever of the lack of efficiencies in their back-office. Pain points in how to source, finance, onboard, and pay suppliers and franchisees came into sharp focus. Decreasing the amount of manual bookkeeping and improving your fraud prevention are the key to future success. Thankfully, there are many digital solutions that have helped to overcome dependencies that slowed down business. 

Learn more about how you can utilize digital payment tools and financing to keep your franchisees doing business while remaining flexible and accommodating of public health measures as we strive for a post-pandemic Canada.