Felix DeCata - Boston Pizza International Inc.
Joel Friedman - Southbrook Business Group Inc.
As the real estate landscape continuously adapts and changes, it’s important that franchise systems are educated about what current practices are here to stay and what will continue to evolve. Brick-and-mortar businesses should consider whether they should make long term changes for the current climate including enhanced e-commerce procedures, curbside pick-up, and delivery models for the convenience and safety of customers.
Questions that will be addressed in this session include: How has the real estate market changed? Are we seeing a decreased demand in availability of sites? What do occupancy rates look like, and what will the trend be? How have bank/lender relationships changed? Are we seeing increased rigor in borrowing requirements? What are realistic unit growth expectations moving into 2022?
This session will also address whether franchising is moving back to an in-person environment as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, or if the need for social distancing, touchless technology, and other protocols to protect customers and staff will be here to stay.