Message from the 2021 CFA Franchise Law Day Co-Chairs
Welcome to Virtual Franchise Law Day 2021!
For more than a year, we have faced uncertainty and unprecedented challenges. Franchises and their counsel have risen to the occasion to adapt and innovate. Now, as vaccination rates rise and COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, we look ahead to the future. We invite you to join us on Thursday, September 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST for the 2021 CFA Virtual Franchise Law Day—The Pandemic is Ending: Are the Roaring ’20s Here Again?
This year’s Law Day theme, “Are the Roaring ’20s Here Again?”, will explore the current legal issues that are shaping the future of franchising as we move out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts will share important developments from one of the most challenging years seen in generations, looking at what happened in the past year so that we can all succeed in the future.
Participants will be able to attend keynote, concurrent and roundtable sessions hosted by Canada’s foremost franchise lawyers. This conference is designed to keep you and your colleagues up to date with the latest franchise-related legal and legislative developments.
This year’s program will delve into the current and future legal issues facing franchising as we move out of the COVID-19 pandemic including: the duty of Good Faith and its effects on franchise agreements/disclosure, the implementation of new technologies in franchising, as well as the impact of the pandemic on various legal issues such as termination/rescission claims, insolvency issues, diversity/human rights, and joint employer/labour shortages.
Participants will also learn about the concept of ghost kitchens and will be updated on all recent legal and legislative changes brought on by COVID- 19 along with Canada’s economic situation moving forward.
We look forward to a wonderful program and hope you will join us!