Franchisor's Associates Unveiled: Navigating Liability and Legal Developments in the Franchise Industry
Date & Time
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Daniel Hamson Adam Ship Matthew Badrov

Join us for a comprehensive legal discussion exploring the implications of "franchisor's associates" and recent franchise industry developments, using a notable court case as a reference point. Analyze the broad and nebulous definition of a franchisor's associate under the Wishart Act, and its impact on duties and liabilities. Stay informed about the latest legal developments and gain insights into the broader implications of recent legal changes for your business. Discover effective strategies for structuring systems and sales processes to mitigate risks. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of franchise law.

Learning objectives:

  1. Examine the implications of "franchisor's associates" and recent franchise industry developments.
  2. Analyze the definition of a franchisor's associate and its impact on duties and liabilities.
  3. Understand the impact of recent legal changes on duties, liabilities, and business operations in the franchise industry.
Location Name
Kingsbrook Room
Full Address
The Old Mill
21 Old Mill Road
Toronto ON M8X 1G5
Session Type
Concurrent Session