The CFA National Convention is the most highly anticipated event in Canada's franchise community. With hundreds in attendance from all corners of the country, ranging from CEOs and founders to franchisors and executives, there are opportunities for everyone in franchising to come together in this unique space to connect, learn, and grow!
As a result, Convention offers diverse sponsorship opportunities to promote and enhance your brand awareness. With these opportunities, you can attract the attention of the CFA community to your business, align your brand with the future-forward vision of franchising, connect directly with key decision-makers in franchise systems across Canada, and so much more.
To learn more about the benefits of National Convention sponsorship, or to create a custom sponsorship, get in touch with Emaad Siddiqui at
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Receive an opted-in list of delegates
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Social media recognition
- Recognition in National Convention media releases
- Guaranteed opportunity to present an award on stage during the Recognition Awards Luncheon
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Receive an opted-in list of delegates
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Social media recognition
- Sponsor recognition in National Convention media releases
- Guaranteed opportunity to present a CFA recognition award on stage
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Promotional material in the National Convention App
- Receive an opted-in list of delegates
- Verbal recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Social media recognition
- Sponsor recognition in National Convention media releases
- Guaranteed opportunity to be a concurrent session sponsor
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Guaranteed opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Receive opted-in list of delegates
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Social media recognition
- One (1) dedicated e-mail blast to new CFA members to welcome them to National Convention (facilitated by the CFA)
- Opportunity to serve as Ambassador to New Members
- Hosting of pre-Convention webinar geared to New CFA Members -What to expect and how to make the most of CFA National Convention (recorded webinar will be accessible to all New CFA Members leading up to CFA National Convention)
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Branded pens will be available for delegates during a keynote presentation
*Must provide 400 pens
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Branded notepads will be available for delegates during a keynote presentation
*Must provide 400 notepads
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Branding on CFA photo wall - great social media opportunity!
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Receive opted-in list of delegates
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Recognition on registration webpage
- Brief welcome message in registration confirmation e-mails
- Logo on confirmation and reminder emails
- Logo on registration signage
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during the plenary session
- Logo on the screen during the roundtable.
- Open Roundtable by saying few words
To purchase an exclusive sponsorship please contact us for pricing.
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Promotional material added to Welcome Package (must be provided by sponsor and approved by CFA)
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
Logo on registration signage - Logo on event app
- Exclusive branding on attendee bags provided to all delegate
- Opportunity to include a branded item or promotional material in each bag
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Social media recognition
- Receive opted-in list of delegates
- Logo on event app
- Logo on all event app signage
- One (1) push notification sent to attendees during the Convention
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Social media recognition
- Receive an opted-in list of delegates
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Opportunity to name Wi-Fi network password
- Logo on Wi-fi signage
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Logo on hotel key card distributed to all attendees at check-in
*There will be 2 logos on the Hotel key cards. To purchase an exclusive key card sponsorship please contact us for pricing.
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on delegate list that is distributed to all attendees after the Convention
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Promotional material in National Convention app
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Opportunity to add a brochure in the Welcome Envelope
- Envelope will be distributed to all attendees, and will include their nametag and other important welcome materials
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on Convention lanyard that is distributed to all delegates
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on Marketplace lunch signage
- Recognition in app push notification
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on Marketplace breakfast signage
- Recognition in app push notification
- Opportunity to work with CFA to create a themed menu item
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Logo on coffee break signage
- Recognition in app push notification
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Receive opted-in list of delegates
- Logo on complimentary drink tickets distributed to attendees
- Social media recognition
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards luncheon
- Logo on table centerpieces
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards luncheon
- Recognition in Franchise Canada July/August issue editorial
- Opportunity to present 2025 CFE graduates on stage
- Logo on CFE graduation certificates
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards luncheon
- Logo on CFA Recognition Awards webpage
- Opportunity to introduce the emcee at the awards luncheon
- Social media recognition
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards luncheon
- Promotional material in National Convention app
- Logo on awards luncheon programs
- Social media recognition
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Logo on CFA Awards of Excellence webpage
- Logo on menu cards
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Logo on menu cards
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Logo on table centerpieces
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during plenary session
- Promotional material in the National Convention app
- Logo on after party signage
- Logo on after party drink tickets
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Opportunity to introduce the emcee at the awards gala
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Logo on CFA Awards of Excellence webpage
- Sponsor recognition in CFA's Awards of Excellence media release
- Recognition in Franchise Canada July/August issue editorial
- Opportunity to announce the Franchisee of the Year winner
- Logo on sponsor reel, print signage, website, and e-marketing materials
- Recognition from the podium during awards gala
- Logo on awards gala programs
- Sponsor recognition in CFA's Awards of Excellence media release
- Recognition in Franchise Canada July/August issue editorial
- Logo on CFA Awards of Excellence webpage
- Opportunity to present Franchisee's Choice designation winner