Keynote5 Leadership Skills that will Drive Company Growth12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

As a leader, you may sometimes feel discouraged in your efforts to create the impact you strive to make among your team. Join franchise growth catalyst, Angela Coté, for an informative and impactful session that will help you drive company growth within your franchise organization. Angela’s energetic and authentic approach will leave you feeling confident to be the leader you were always meant to be. You’ll leave this session with at least five actionable takeaways that you can immediately implement to inspire growth and success within your organization. 

Angela Cote
 The Great Resignation: Resignation Boom, Labour Shortage, Fight for Talent 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

Canada’s job vacancy rate has recently reached a record high, specifically in the food, healthcare, and retail industries. This has left many small business owners to deal with a significant resignation boom, as some of their employees may be hesitant to return to work. At a time where franchisees should be recovering from months of closures and restrictions, many may be forced to operate at reduced capacity while struggling to find staff to fill open positions. This session will discuss the ongoing resignation boom and how to navigate the unexpected challenges of the current labour shortage and fight for good talent to represent your business.

Demetre Eliopoulos Marianne Schuts Sean Mulder
 Adapting your Business to Thrive: Short and Long-Term Thinking for Franchisees1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

Throughout the course of your franchise business, you may have to make some short- and long-term changes to adapt to changes in the business landscape. During this session, franchisees will learn how businesses across the country went into survival mode during COVID-19, how they came through it on the other side and what steps are needed to thrive once again, and how to adapt strategies into franchise businesses for the continued success of the organization. 

Travis Tinning
 Sales Training for Franchisees and Their Staff2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Edward Henry
 Reconnecting with Customers Post Pandemic2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

We’ve been navigating the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year and a half and many franchise systems are still getting back on their feet and just starting to welcome back customers into their dining rooms, hair salons, entertainment centres, and more. This session will focus on how to offer exceptional customer service, how to reconnect with customers post-pandemic, and how to re-engage your customers after extended closures while implementing new changes to protect your guests and staff.

Kimberley Hamm Karen Gumbs Jen McDonnell
KeynoteVaccine and the Workplace – What You Need to Know3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

As an employer, you may be considering a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for your employees. Mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports are a tricky landscape to navigate, so this session will dive into legal and human resources perspectives to consider before putting these rules into place in your workplace.

Matthew Badrov John Platz Jeremy Banning
KeynoteLead to Succeed12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

A key skill you should have as a franchisor is the ability to understand human behaviors and personalities as you choose franchisees to represent your brand. Knowing how to predict actions and behavior helps leaders learn how to better lead and coach each unique member of their team, rather than having a blanket approach for all team members.

In this Keynote Presentation, you will learn how to create and lead your team in the new Hybrid World, how to hire to inspire by connecting your results to your strategy through your people, and how to connect the “what” to the “who” by educating others through understanding who your people are and how they work.

Jason Taylor
 Leadership Toolbox: The Attributes of a Great Leader12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

As a franchisor, it’s vital that you’re equipped with the skills and knowledge to be a good leader within your franchise system. Good leaders are not born overnight, and this takes experience and ongoing efforts to inspire success and perseverance within your franchisees. During this session, you can expect to learn coaching tips for great leaders, traits and characteristics that you should have to become a leader, how you can successfully lead a team of franchise owners, and more practical tips to develop and maintain your skills as a strong leader of your organization.

John Platz
 Leading by Example: How Do You Set the Tone in Your Organization12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

As a franchise leader, it’s vital that you know how to set the tone in your organization to set an example for the small business owners you support daily. Join speakers John Evans, EverLine Coatings and Services, and John DeHart, Hartify Franchise Consulting, for this concurrent session about how to lead by example to inspire success and growth within your organization.

Key takeaways will include:

  • How to foster a culture within the franchise system.
  • How to set up your organization in the best way possible to grow and succeed.
  • Why a healthy culture surrounding employee engagement and retention are so important to an organization.
  • Why it’s important for leaders to set the tone and be a positive example for their team members.
John Evans John DeHart
 The Growth Mindset: From Survive to Thrive 12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

Most franchise systems across the country and the world have had to go from simply surviving the pandemic to now thriving as we emerge on the other side. In this concurrent session led by Presidents & CEOs: Jackson Loychuk, 30 Minutes Hit; Todd Wylie, Master Mechanic and Aaron Abrams, Molly Maid, you’ll discover how you can successfully grow your business in the post-COVID-19 era. This is your opportunity as a franchisor to adopt the growth mindset and educate your franchise partners to allow them to grow and thrive with their small businesses as we all recover, together.

Todd Wylie Aaron Abrams Jackson Loychuk
 The Great Resignation: Resignation Boom, Labour Shortage, Fight for Talent1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

Canada is currently facing a record high job vacancy rate, as many employees are reluctant to resume working in an office, retail, food, healthcare, or other work environments as businesses reopen. That leaves many business owners facing a labour shortage as they fight for talented staff members for their franchise system. Join us for this concurrent session that addresses the resignation boom as we recover from the pandemic.

Brian Leon Zoobie Singh Chris Sonnen
 How to Successfully Implement Change1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

At one point in the lifespan of a franchise system, a franchisor will have to implement changes and advancements to keep up with emerging issues and pivots within the industry. This session will educate franchisors on what they need to know about how to successfully implement change within an organization and the impact it may have on the system’s employees, franchisees, customers, and other affected individuals. Franchisors will learn how to prepare for system change and what types of support to provide to their franchise owners during these transitions, as well as how other franchisors come up with innovative ideas to keep their organization and franchisees successful, and what changes franchisors are keeping or removing for the future of digital in business.

Matthew Badrov Lenka Whitehead Karen Gumbs
 Leading the future: How to Build a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace and Why it Matters1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

It’s no secret that businesses with a diverse and inclusive working environment experience a plethora of benefits, from increased innovation and profitability to happier and more engaged employees, and they also attract better talent. During this concurrent session, you’ll discover:

  • What the diversity and inclusion imperative is and why it matters for your franchise system.
  • Best practices on driving diversity and inclusion.
  • How diversity and inclusion positively impact your bottom line.

You will also hear from the panelists about their own personal journeys with diversity and inclusion and lessons learned that you should avoid in the future.

Brian Bazely Faye Pang Simone Alleyne Lyn Little
RoundtableHello - Goodbye: Best Practices When Hiring and Managing Departures2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Matthew Badrov
RoundtableDiversity and Inclusion 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Faye Pang
RoundtableOpen discussion for financing your hospitality business – whether it be new, renovation or simply equipment replacement.2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

An open forum discussion on financing, specific to the hospitality industry.  Whether you are seeking to start a new franchise concept; or to grow your existing model having a finance program in place is critical to your success.  Financing is important at all stages of a Franchise, finding and funding new franchisees, building new sites, renovating existing sites, replacing old equipment, and rolling out new equipment / programs all require finance support

Chris Sonnen
KeynoteHow to Work with the Next Generation 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

In the last 18 months, tomorrow became today. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest challenges we will face in the next decade will be attracting, engaging, and keeping talented employees and franchisees. The closing keynote will cover both the timeless fundamentals AND the adaptations that are required to work with the next generation, with a specific focus on the highest-performing segment of the generational cohort. Tony Valle, who has worked at ground level with each next generation that has emerged in the last 3 decades, will share both repeated patterns and new trends, and their impacts on the current talent marketplace. 

Tony Valle
NetworkingVirtual Networking Reception4:00 PM - 5:00 PM  
KeynoteThe Recipe for Success: Advice from Past Hall of Fame Winners12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Every year the Canadian Franchise Association recognizes excellence in franchising through its Recognition Awards., including the Hall of Fame award which recognizes solid business performance and outstanding performance over a significant length of time. This Keynote session features previous winners of the CFA’s Hall of Fame awards including Choice Hotels, and Recipe Unlimited. Attendees can look forward to examining the practices and lessons that franchisors have received during their years of experience within the franchise industry including what it takes to what it takes to grow and maintain a franchise system at a high level of excellence; what challenges franchisors faced when growing their brand and how they overcame them; and franchisors’ tips, advice, and words of wisdom they have for other franchisors who are looking to grow their systems right now. 

Brian Leon Courtney Hindorff
 Franchising Strategies in A Damaged Economy12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

While the nation continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to remember that the damage to our economy over the past year and a half won’t be solved overnight. That’s why it’s vital that you know franchising strategies to help your franchise system and your franchisees achieve continued growth as the nation and its economy rebounds. This session will share insights into what changes from the pandemic will fade and which will remain the same as consumers reinvent their spending habits and bounce back to old or new spending habits, as well as how to adapt and innovate your organization to meet changing consumer habits.

Keith Gerson TBD TBD
 New Owner Training and Support 12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

One of the most important things you need to do as a franchisor is properly train and support your new franchisees to represent your brand and help them find business success. New owner training is a fundamental component of most franchise systems, but ongoing support is often key to the satisfaction and success of franchise partners. This concurrent session will provide you with key takeaways including: what changes implemented due to COVID-19 should stay and how or when you should return to standard training policies, how to maintain operational compliance and safety for your franchisees, and how to maintain a positive outlook towards your franchise system in post-COVID-19 times.

Clay Morrissey Tony Watters Chris Sonnen
 Digital Strategy & Execution for Creating a Harmonious Growth Plan for Your Franchise System 12:45 PM - 1:35 PM

It’s important to create a culture that supports effective digital transformation as the world around us continues to adapt and innovate with ongoing trends. This can be done by aligning the interests of both the franchisor and their franchises with the objectives of an organizations’ digital transformation projects.

During this session, franchisors will walk away understanding the importance of digital transformation for growing franchise brands, how to create a culture that support effective paths to growth, approaches to digital strategies to create an aligned execution playbook, and how to measure and report on the effectiveness of a franchisor’s project(s) to advance an organization and adapt to changing times. 

Luke Aulin Craig Jooste Heather Dodd
 Back-to-business for B2B: Using Digital Tools to Help Your Franchise Survive and Thrive1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

Nothing has been normal about the way businesses have had to run during the pandemic. But in many ways, companies became more aware than ever of the lack of efficiencies in their back-office. Pain points in how to source, finance, onboard, and pay suppliers and franchisees came into sharp focus. Decreasing the amount of manual bookkeeping and improving your fraud prevention are the key to future success. Thankfully, there are many digital solutions that have helped to overcome dependencies that slowed down business. 

Learn more about how you can utilize digital payment tools and financing to keep your franchisees doing business while remaining flexible and accommodating of public health measures as we strive for a post-pandemic Canada. 

Paul daSilva Joseph Pisani Rob Wilkinson Michael Ledgerwood
 Navigating a Changing Real Estate Landscape: Resales, Renewals, and More! 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

As the real estate landscape continuously adapts and changes, it’s important that franchise systems are educated about what current practices are here to stay and what will continue to evolve. Brick-and-mortar businesses should consider whether they should make long term changes for the current climate including enhanced e-commerce procedures, curbside pick-up, and delivery models for the convenience and safety of customers.

Questions that will be addressed in this session include: How has the real estate market changed? Are we seeing a decreased demand in availability of sites? What do occupancy rates look like, and what will the trend be? How have bank/lender relationships changed? Are we seeing increased rigor in borrowing requirements? What are realistic unit growth expectations moving into 2022?

This session will also address whether franchising is moving back to an in-person environment as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, or if the need for social distancing, touchless technology, and other protocols to protect customers and staff will be here to stay.

Cailin White Felix DeCata Joel Friedman
 The Digital Transformation Journey: Using Technology to Grow and Scale your Franchise Operations1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

Digital transformation is about more than just putting new technology in place. It is about developing and deploying the right technology, in the right way, with a view to future growth and innovation. It also transforms what business leaders can do – giving them a clear, holistic vision, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and reducing tedious manual work to ensure staff are available for higher-value tasks. 
For franchisors, implementing a centralized system across their franchised locations creates a single source of truth to help them advance the business both at a top-level and at the individual location level. Track KPIs, manage royalties, financials and inventory, forecast for the future and prime you and your franchisees for rapid growth.
Join The Answer Company’s Founder and President, Shawn Ostheimer and George Lawton, CFO as they discuss the potential in digital transformation for franchisors, how finance and operations teams can draw on the knowledge of tech systems and real-life examples of successful franchisors who have deployed tools to thrive now and in the future.

Shawn Ostheimer George Lawton
RoundtableFinding New Franchisees Through Digital Media2:45 PM - 3:15 PM TBD TBD
RoundtableCost & Time Saving Benefits of Hiring a General Contractor2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Kayleigh Bradshaw
RoundtableLearning How to Streamline Your Business to Manage Your Time, Develop Effective Teams, and do More of What You Love 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Roger Smith
KeynoteAccessing Capital & Funding To Fuel Your Growth3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Discover how you can raise capital to fuel your business development through partnering with private equity! Geared for franchisors and multi-unit franchisees, gain an overview of why and how franchises can utilize private equity and other sources of capital. This panel will no doubt intrigue you to know more and serves as an introduction to CFA’s Growth & Exit Strategies virtual conference on October 28, 2021.  

  • Learn how partnering with private equity works; 
  • Understand the benefits of accessing debt vs. equity, including private equity and other sources; 
  • Hear from franchisors and funders as they share their personal experiences and advice for others looking to access capital from private equity and investors.
Thomas Wong, CFE Frank Robinson Mark Shoniker